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FMWR Bazaar Once Again Holds Court for the Holiday Season
he USAG Rheinland-Pfalz Fam- year organized by FMWR: Holiday Ba-
Tily and Morale, Welfare and zaar (ROB); Last-Minute Mini-Bazaar
Recreation (FMWR) Holiday Bazaar (Heaton Auditorium, Landstuhl RMC);
scheduled for Nov. 2 to Nov. 4 in Kai- Spring Bazaar (ROB); Mother’s Day
serslautern, Germany, is said to be the Bazaar (Heaton Auditorium) and Sum-
largest Army bazaar in Europe, with mer Bazaar (ROB).
125 vendors and sponsors from all over The November bazaar is the largest
the world. such event since its reestablishment in
The FMWR Holiday Bazaar claims 1997, taking place from 10 a.m. to 7
to be the perfect event for anyone look- p.m. on Nov. 2 and 3 and on Nov. 4 from
ing for unique presents for their loved 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in buildings 237 and
ones or wanting to experience different 229 on ROB.
cultures within an extraordinary setting.
In line with the holiday spirit, it provides MONETARY SUPPORT
the opportunity to give back to the community. “From the beginning, the main goal behind offering these
major events was, and still is, to continue to ensure that mon-
HISTORY etary support is available to reinvest soldier dollars back into
European bazaars were first introduced to the community the community,” explained Janna Henderson, chief of Non-
as fundraisers in the 1960s. At that time, there were three dif- Appropriated Funds Support (FMWR). “This, in turn, provides
ferent bazaars managed by military spouses, held in Germany’s resources for employment, childcare, recreation, entertainment
Kaiserslautern, Landstuhl and Ramstein military communi- and facility improvements by creating a home-away-from-home
ties. However, by 1997, there were no leading Army spouse atmosphere for our soldiers and their families.”
groups which could devote their time to run the bazaars, and In fiscal 2018, USAG Rheinland-Pfalz FMWR generated
as a result, Army bazaars ceased to exist. over $385,000 in sales, with proceeds benefitting many youth
In 1999, Gudrun Schuler-Heilman, former FMWR chief and community programs. For instance, FMWR was able to
of financial management, decided to take on the challenge finance the renovation of Baumholder’s Rheinlander Convention
of reestablishing garrison bazaars. The first FMWR bazaar Center ballroom, to include new furnishings for community
took place at the Kaiserslautern Community Activity Center events, as well as purchasing family-oriented outdoor recre-
on Daenner Kaserne in 1999. ation equipment, such as mountain bikes, pop-up canopies,
In 2001, the bazaar was moved to the Rhine Ordnance skis, boots and fest tables.
Barracks (ROB) Special Events Center. Since then, the event In addition, automotive skills centers were able to pur-
has grown every year, and has become one of the most popular chase additional equipment for self-service sections, and add
events for the military community. a new annex to provide more customer-mentoring capabili-
Today, there are a total of five bazaars throughout the ties. Java Cafés received new blenders and espresso machines
to meet increased customer demand, and on Pulaski Bar-
racks, Kazabra Club replaced its ballroom furnishings and
installed a new wood floor to support community-wide events.
Bazaar vendors from around the globe bring a variety of
merchandise to include pottery; ceramics; jewelry; country-
specific delicacies; alcoholic beverages; furniture; Christmas
decorations and much more. This
Sponsors from all over the world year, Henderson said that FMWR
display their wares at the USAG opened a second warehouse to bring
Rheinland-Pfalz FMWR Holiday
Bazaar, held Nov. 2 to Nov. 4 at in an additional 30 new vendors.
ROB, Germany. Along with an exclusive selec-
tion of European merchandise, the
bazaar also offers a broad variety of
meal options, including food from
all over the world.
Holiday Bazaar vendors will also
contribute to the excitement of the
event by dressing up in traditional
clothing representing their countries.
“We purchased over 100 flags to hang
over each stand, so our customers
can easily identify the origin of the
items offered for purchase,” Hen-
derson added.