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P. 17
percent; Mexican Foods,
ETHNIC DISHES (continued) Burritos (Canned/Frozen/
Mix/Dry), 10.97 percent; and
CLASS Share of Dollar CoNuS oCoNuS Italian Foods, Tortellini, Frozen,
Category Volume PerCeNt PerCeNt
Mexican Foods, Tortillas (Frozen/Mix/Dry) 17.28% $3,190,562 60.57% 39.43% 10.82 percent.
Mexican Foods, Burritos (Canned/Frozen/ 10.97% $2,025,347 38.48% 61.52%
Mexican Foods, Chimichanga (Canned/ CATEGORY SALES:
Frozen) 1.55% $286,418 66.21% 33.79% $18.47 Million
Mexican Foods, Enchiladas (Canned/Frozen) 9.13% $1,685,115 29.99% 70.01%
Mexican Foods, Taco Shells 2.75% $506,944 39.38% 60.62% SHARE OF DLA TROOP
Polish Food, Pierogies 4.78% $883,523 50.31% 49.69% SUPPORT TOTAL PRIME
Total Ethnic Dishes $18,466,239 VENDOR SUBSISTENCE
SALES: 1.35%
Fats, Shortenings & Oils has
more than three-quarters of FATS, SHORTENINGS & OILS
sales in the category (77.94 CoNuS oCoNuS
Share of
percent) concentrated in CLASS Category Volume PerCeNt PerCeNt
four segments: Frying Fats, Fats, Shortenings & Oils 7.47% $1,026,504 14.65% 85.35%
Shortenings, 32.96 percent;
Salad Oils, 19.21 percent; Oil, Frying Fats, Shortenings 32.96% $4,530,167 27.04% 72.96%
Canola, 13.85 percent; and Gen. Purpose Fats/Shortenings 3.57% $490,255 76.11% 23.89%
Pan Coatings, 11.92 percent.
Oil, Canola 13.85% $1,903,679 50.36% 49.64%
Oil, Olive 6.77% $931,228 76.68% 23.32%
$13.75 Million Oil, Soybean 2.51% $344,900 100.00% 0.00%
Pan Coatings 11.92% $1,637,849 55.46% 44.54%
SHARE OF DLA TROOP Salad Oils 19.21% $2,640,522 27.25% 72.75%
SUPPORT TOTAL PRIME Vegetable Oil/Shortening 1.75% $240,509 77.43% 22.57%
VENDOR SUBSISTENCE Total Fats, Shortenings & Oils $13,745,614
SALES: 1.01%
Fish & Seafood is the
FISH & SEAFOOD fourth-largest category by
dollar volume, moving back
CLASS Share of Dollar CoNuS oCoNuS up after slipping to fifth in
Category Volume PerCeNt PerCeNt
2016 from fourth in 2015.
Catfish (Fresh, Frozen) 13.73% $12,221,631 39.49% 60.51% Sales rose 10.39 percent in
Clams (Canned/Fresh/Frozen) 0.24% $213,066 67.83% 32.17% 2017, or $8.38 million from
Cod (Dried/ Fresh/Frozen) 6.49% $5,776,056 72.16% 27.84% $80,667,075 million in 2016.
It ranks 13th with 16 segments,
Crab (Canned/Fresh/Frozen) 7.83% $6,974,034 42.00% 58.00% down one from 17 in 2016 and
Fish & Seafood 2.34% $2,082,786 0.16% 99.84% up from 16th in 2015.
Flounder (Fresh/Frozen) 0.11% $93,589 80.98% 19.02%
More than half of sales (55.92
Halibut (Fresh/Frozen) 2.61% $2,325,326 52.46% 47.54% percent) are concentrated
Lobster (Fresh/Frozen) 6.97% $6,208,608 49.53% 50.47% into three segments: Shrimp
Pollack (Fresh/Frozen) 8.07% $7,184,749 61.35% 38.65% (Canned/Cooked/Frozen),
30.49 percent; Catfish (Fresh,
Salmon (Canned/Fresh/Frozen) 11.70% $10,420,185 52.24% 47.76% Frozen), 13.73 percent; and
Scallops (Fresh/Frozen) 1.05% $939,335 54.99% 45.01% Salmon (Canned/Fresh/
Frozen), 11.70 percent.
Shrimp (Canned/Cooked/Frozen) 30.49% $27,150,705 35.02% 64.98%
Sole (Fresh/Frozen) 0.02% $21,246 0.00% 100.00%
Trout (Fresh/Frozen) 2.38% $2,120,919 4.49% 95.51%
Tuna (Canned/Fresh/Frozen) 5.85% $5,210,048 38.04% 61.96%